September 21, 2009

It's Me Again...

I had forgotten how addicting blogging is.

We didn't do much today. I got up around 7:30, fed Baby T and got him back to sleep, then ate my normal oatmeal (helps with bfing) and then decided to lay back down with Baby T. I ended up falling back to sleep for about an hour. We finally got up, Baby T ate again and then I got him his bath and got him ready for the day. I cleaned some things up around the house and watched some tv. I normally don't get my shower until he takes his afternoon nap (unless we're going somewhere important). Today I waited because the only place we needed to go was to the grocery store and I don't consider that important.

Well, we planned on a quick shopping trip but ended up having to meet my parents at our usual "half way" meeting spot so that I could get my phone charger. I went to charge it before we left and realized I had left it at their house from being there this weekend. So, we ended up grocery shopping at Meijer. I wouldn't normally go there because I really don't care for that store, but it was close and my parents needed to get some stuff too, so we got to see them for a little longer.

Baby T was not a happy camper on the way home and pretty much screamed the whole way. He's been doing a lot better though and I'm pretty sure he was just tired and hungry. I got him home, fed him and he fell right to sleep.

Then I had all the groceries to put away and dinner to make. We had ham, broccoli with cheese sauce and mashed potatoes. We had chocolate cake for dessert but I was a good girl and didn't have any. Yet. The night's not over.

Well, I guess I should be getting some school work done before I have to feed Baby T again. OH yeah, I think I forgot to mention that I'm taking a class online. I'm going to get my certification for Medical Transcription. I'm gonna have to work now and I want to be able to still stay home and I do not want to go back to doing daycare, so... after much thought and research I decided to give it a try. I know a couple of people who do it and they make really good money at it. Let's hope I'm good at it.

September 20, 2009

Warning! These Pics Are Full Of Baby Cuteness

September 19, 2009

I JUST Put The Baby Down

Not really, but close. (You know, since I haven't updated this thing since May 21.) Yeah, I've been kinda busy. OH, that's right, I had a baby and...

Oh my gosh do I ever have the cutest baby in the whole world!! And yes, my babymoon has lasted longer than normal, but I'm SO in love! This little guy came into the world so easily and won everyone's hearts right away.

So... Tanner Aaron was born on June 2, 2009 at 1:06pm. He weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 22 inches long. And his skin... OH MY GOODNESS his skin was absolutely perfect, his color was great and he was just the most alert thing!

My delivery was awesome!! No drugs other than an epidural. I was so close to a c-section because my contractions stopped, but then I sat up and BAM they started again. I guess Tanner figured if I was laying down and resting, he may as well rest too. He came out in 3 sets of pushes and I only had a few little stitches. The only thing that hurt was my back from the epidural, other than that, I was up and around as soon as I could get on my feet. SO different from my other 2 births. So there, who says having a baby at 36 is harder than at 20?!?!

We were in the hospital for 2 days and came home. I don't think I've stopped looking at him since.

Oh, and I'm breastfeeding and it's been easy and wonderful. He hasn't had a bottle yet and I don't plan on him getting one anytime soon.

I'm doing most vaccines but they're being spaced out so he's not getting too many at one time. So far I've decided on no flu shots and no chicken pox vaccine... I'm researching the rest to see what I could leave out. I do think vaccines are important but I want to do what's best for his little body.

He is SO long... he's got the longest little legs ever. We call him "froggy". And he LOVES water. LOVES his bath. LOVES to splash and kick his feet.

He also LOVES to be held and does NOT love to be put down. He also loves boobs but thankfully only for eating at this point. The boy loves to eat.

He is just now starting to like to ride in the car. I don't think it was the car ride, but the car seat. He's hated it from day one. Seriously, when we put him in it at the hospital, he screamed. It's just been in the last couple of weeks that he's actually starting to enjoy it. And let me tell you, when your parents live 45 minutes away and your child's father lives 45 minutes the other way, that pretty much meant you were going to listen to 45 minutes of screaming THERE and 45 minutes of screaming BACK. I'm SO thankful that is starting to get better.

He's a lover. LOVER LOVER LOVER. He loves to be loved and loves to love. He gives kisses already and it just makes your heart explode.

He's almost 16 weeks old and I've loved every minute of the last 16 weeks. And trust me, we hit some pretty rough rocks along the way, but we're good. We're all good. We're in God's hands. I think I may have needed to be reminded of that.

Well, my baby needs me... I love that he needs me!! Hopefully I can update more and I'll get T1 to post some pics (IF you think you can handle the cuteness!!).

Welcome T3... you're loved more than you'll ever know! And it was ALL worth it!